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We invest in and promote children’s health and well-being by funding lifesaving medical and dental screenings and needs, personal assistive devices, and daily and holiday food distributions.
Our medical program in Iran, in collaboration with various NGOs, supports hospitals with funding of lifesaving equipment, treatment of individual medical cases, medications, medical procedures, and treatments throughout the year.
In the US, we support families who have come from Iran for medical treatment under compassionate programs, such as the ones at the National Institute of Health in Maryland, by assistance for housing, translation, and life needs, as well as connecting them to community resources.
Our medical fund in Iran regularly provides for children’s health needs by funding mediations, short or long-term treatments, doctors’ visits, vision and dental care, and hospitalization. We also support the family by funding the logistical needs of such care including food and accommodations for those families travelling to larger cities where the care is available. The program is based on requests we receive through a variety of means, our team’s follow up investigation of the medical need, and the research of best available options such as physicians, medication, devise, etc. for each case.
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